Travel to Hungary
Hungary has Visa Waiver Agreements with more than 100 countries, including EU Member States, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Detailed information on Visa Waiver Agreements you find on the website of the Consular Services.
EU Member States' citizens can travel to Hungary with valid Ordinary Passport (OP), Diplomatic Passport (D), Service Passport (S) and Identity Card (ID). Exceptions are Denmark, Latvia, UK where ID Card is not accepted and there are limitations on various UK passports. Length of visa-free stay is 90 days.
USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand citizens can use their valid Ordinary Passport (OP), Diplomatic Passport (D), Service Passport (S) and can stay visa-free for 90 days.
Travel documents should be valid for 3 months at least. Please be advised that the driving license is not a travel document.
For other countries, to check the accepted travel documents and length of visa-free stay, or application for visa, check the website of the Consular Services.
Schengen Area and Border Crossings
The Schengen Area comprises the territories of twenty-six European countries that have implemented the Schengen Agreement signed in the town of Schengen, Luxembourg, in 1985.
The Schengen Area operates very much like a single state for international travel with external border controls for those travelling in and out of the area, but with no internal border controls when travelling between Schengen countries.
Hungary implemented the Schengen rules and became part of the Schengen Area in December 2007.
Three EU member states Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus will implement Schengen rules in the future, while Ireland and the United Kingdom negotiated opt-outs from Schengen and continue to operate systematic border controls with other EU member states.
Hungary is bordering with 3 Schengen countries: Slovakia on the North, Austria and Slovenia on the West. On these borders, there is no border control.
Contrary at the borders of the European Union (borders with Ukraine, Serbia and Croatia) or the Schengen Area (border with Romania), Hungary operates strict border control. Names, opening hours and actual information of the border crossing points you find on the relevant page of the National Tax and Customs Administration's website.
You can also download the list of the border crossings of Hungary.
The following has been provided as a general guide to non-commercial customs rules in Hungary, and regulations are subject to change at any time. For more details, and up-to-date information visit the website of the National Tax and Customs Administration.
Travelling within the EU: The export and import of goods purchased for non-commercial purposes (for personal use or as gifts) while travelling is not restricted. However, the transport of certain goods (such as: pets, hunting weapons, alcohol and tobacco products, medicines containing drugs, etc.) within the European Union is subject to restrictions and/or to special permissions.
Arriving to Hungary from countries outside the EU: Passengers arriving from third countries may import the following goods in their personal luggage to Hungary without incurring customs duty and taxes.
Alcohol products and alcoholic beverages (applicable to passengers over the age of 17 only) – maximum
– 4 litres of grape wine
– 16 litres of beer
– 1 litre of alcohol products of more than 22 per cent of alcohol by volume
Tobacco products (applicable to passengers over the age of 17 only)
– 40 pieces of cigarettes, or
– 20 pieces of cigarillos (not exceeding 3 grams per piece in weight), or
– 10 pieces of cigars, or
– 50 grams of tobacco for consumption.
(Air passengers are entitled to import 5 times more of the above quantities e.g. 200 pieces of cigarettes).
Other items
In addition to the above goods, passengers are exempt from customs
duty and taxes for goods imported up to the value of EUR 300 (HUF
88,000), while up to the value of EUR 430 (HUF 127,000) if travelling
by air.
Special rules applying to the export/import of certain goods to/from the EU and third countries
Generally speaking, if possible, you should not take along raw meat, processed meat products, any food containing meat, milk and dairy products (perishable food products) when returning from a third country (not a member state of the EU) to Hungary. When leaving Hungary, you are advised not to add the above products to your food parcel prepared for your travel, as their import into third countries,
in general, is either prohibited or subject to strict conditions. In addition to these products, there may be, at any time, other goods
included in the so-called temporary export/import ban lists in order to prevent the proliferation of specific diseases spread by animals.
While travelling within the European Union, individuals requiring continuous medication may carry the medicines prescribed by their physician in a quantity that may be needed during the journey. When travelling to a third country, the same rule would typically apply. Non-community citizens entering Hungary from third countries may bring in the medicines necessary for their medication as confirmed by their physician, in quantities that may be justifiably needed during their stay.
While travelling within the European Union, citizens of the EU member states may take their pets (dogs, cats, ferrets) along by using a pet passport. The local veterinarian will issue such a pet passport, provided that the animal has received compulsory vaccination and has been identified by a tattoo or a microchip implant. Non-community citizens entering Hungary
from third countries with their pets are required
to have a unique identification (tattoo
or microchip) in their pets, the necessary
vaccination, as well as a single-entry veterinary certificate and/or, in certain cases, a pet passport.
Motor fuel
The volume of motor fuel in the standard fuel tank of private and
commercial vehicles and motorcycles, as well as special containers
entering the customs territory of the Community shall be imported
without incurring import customs duties. A further volume of motor fuel not exceeding 10 litres per vehicle may
be imported without incurring import customs duties. The motor fuel imported free from customs duties
shall not be used in vehicles other than the vehicle in which
the fuel has been imported, the person enjoying the exemption
shall not remove the fuel from such vehicle.
Any passenger entering or leaving the European Union that holds EUR 10,000 or more in cash (even if in different currencies), or any cash equivalent instruments (such as securities, bonds, shares, traveller’s cheques, etc.) of the same total value, shall file a written declaration about this fact to the customs authority. Such declaration shall be made at or presented to the customs authority (or other competent authority) where the passenger enters or leaves the European Union.
For more information download the customs rules applying for passenger traffic