Biatorbágy Viaduct
There are two 20-25 m high railways viaducts in Biatorbágy over the Stream Füzes. The viaduct on the right side was built in 1883-84 its spans are 38,29 + 38,12 + 2 x 12,00 m. The left side viaduct was built in 1897-98 with spans 39,70 + 39,70 + 2x 10,00 +2 x 10,00 m. Since the beginning there were statics problems with the right viaduct, and was several times strengthened until the whole structure was changed in 1933.
The left viaduct was also strengthened when new electric locomotives were put in operation on the Budapest-Hegyeshalom line. On 13 September 1931 at 00.15 Hungary’s most famous terror attack happened. Szilveszter Matuska exploded a portion of the bridge, causing the engine and 5 cars falling in the deep. Seventeen people died, several injured. The viaducts were closed down in 1975, when new the Budapest-Hegyeshalom line was upgraded.
Copyright ©: Text and photos by Károly Teleki Industrial Heritage Hungary
Source: 1) Pest megyei és Budapesti hidak. Gáll Imre, Kovács József, Tóth Ernő (szerzők). Budapest, 1997. (ISBN 936-04-8919-8) 2) Merénylet Biatorbágyon – nyolcvan éve történt 1-3. Bárdos Imre (1-2 rész), Debrődi Gábor (3. rész) (szerzők)., 2011. 3) Különös Szilveszter – egy merénylő életútja. Szele Tamás (szerző)., 2011.